Monday, August 22, 2005

i made my first 911 call yesterday. i was driving up 101 north, heading back to the city, and in front of me in the left lane right before university avenue there was an old beige hatchback. it looked like the two people in the front seat were hugging, then the driver snapped back into her seat and then tried to pull away by leaning out her window. i saw the guy sitting next to her slap her face and looked like he was yelling at her. he grabbed her towards him again (the 'hug' i thought i saw earlier), and finally she pulled off into the center divider...on the LEFT. i was so furious, i wanted to pull over with them and hurt this guy for hitting her. i knew that my car is big and probably wouldn't fit, and what if something else happened? i'm a wimp. it took me a good long minute to decide whether to call. hope everything turned out ok. i do wish that i had been alert enough to catch the license plate number, i was too shocked to pay attention.


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