Thursday, March 16, 2006

now that i've been at home for a few days, i'm starting to realize where all the half-eaten food is coming from. i thought it was a combination of having one slightly scatterbrained roommate and one who just doesn't eat very much. she's always admitted to 'nibbling', but this isn't half of it.

today i finally realized that it's all from one roommate. she apparently subscribes to the german diet. you know, eat half. as in, she drank half of her izze drink, ate half a banana, and ate half of the salmon pasta salad she bought for lunch. none of these were particularly huge portions. i find half-drunk tall glasses of orange juice in the fridge all the time. this is despite my purchasing SHORT glasses since that's about how much is drank anyway. how funny.

i guess this wouldn't bother me if things weren't just sitting around after being half-eaten. but instead, it sets off an alarm in my head that FOOD IS BEING WASTED! and who can really afford that when rent is so high in SF?

yes, neurotic i know. but funny that it took me about a year to figure it out. how cute.


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